Monday, August 31, 2009


When a boy gets up at 5.30am consistently on the weekend, anything can happen. What amazes me is that he wakes with such enthusiasm (and volume) everytime - chatter, chatter, chatter - as if he has been up for hours. There is no slow wind up for kids, is there ? For some time now I have been slowing trying to lead my children into understanding the joy of the morning stretch (in the hope that is slows the acceleration). It seems to work for 4 year olds...but not 2 year olds!

What happened after a high speed wake on the Sunday morning just passed was a racing track made from a big discarded cardboard box, some filling and a milk bottle - in my haze. He appreciated it! I dont think "pitts" is spelt correctly but that was OK!

The day evolved and P's sunny dancefloor evolved too! She was meticulous in setting it up. I received very clear instructions on the help I was required to give. Luckily we found a long piece of skirting board out the back that could join the dolls house and chair at just the right height to hang the beautiful backdrop. But the space became way too appealing for a sunny sleep for daddy and Z later in the morning.

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