Monday, August 24, 2009

A present for you and a present for me

P had a 5 year old birthday party to attend yesterday afternoon. All little girls love to write and receive letters, dont they ? The anticipation of going out to the letterbox each day and then the excitement or disappointment. In an attempt to increase the incidence of excitement we have been writing letters.
We made P's girlfriend a writing set for her 5th birthday. And, of course, what is good for you is also good for me - so, "I really really need one of those too mummy". How could I hold off until Christmas ??
Our writing set includes the essentials - cards, small pieces of beautiful paper, envelopes, a stamp, stickers of all sorts, a glitter pen and glitter pencil, glue and (not included in the photo) a felt envelope with plenty of paper confetti.
We hope P's friend loved it as much as P did. P was very excited to wake up and find it waiting for her on the dining table! Ahh the pleasure

1 comment:

  1. How could you not love this!
    Fabulous idea...might have to pinch it...;) XXxx.
