Sunday, December 28, 2008

Back in Time - Just a Smidge

Boxing Day

We spent the day at a favourite place - the wetlands. Z got to see his favourite character - Archie, the magpie goose. He got to feed his second favourite characters - the freckled ducks. We all got to immerse ourselves in nature for a while - and didnt give a second thought to the crazy people battling the Boxing Day Sales!

Backwards in Time - Just a Bit


What a fantastic Christmas. Both children understanding and enjoying the day.

We gave gifts. We received gifts. We ate. We drank. We gave gifts. We received gifts. We ate. We drank.

First Post

This blog has been created to record our family's beautiful journey of growing together. I hope to post about the things that we share, our journeys, our activities, our adventures, our creations and our quiet times.