Sunday, July 19, 2009


What a great weekend - beautiful weather!!

The much awaited Princesses on Ice finally came around. Dressed in just the right Princess attire (with modifications made by P because we love to make our own things around here), the whole family set off to the production. Yes, the whole family - there was insistence from the beginning that there were 2 blue tockets, one for Daddy and one for Z, and, 2 pink tickets, one for mummy and one for P. I can tell you, daddy was really looking forward to it!

We were all surprised at how much we enjoyed it - well, probably not P, she knew she would! At least, daddy and I had forgotten about the marvel of big budget productions - fire and fireworks! We had great tickets and despite not knowing all the Princesses (as not too many Disney stories get read around here), we loved it. Z loved it until he fell asleep 5mins after intermission sleeping through the fire breathing dragon and the fireworks (from row B!).

Then to take a completely different tangent from a Disney production, Sunday was spent outdoors at another wetlands in our city. A coastal wetlands. So we (not me!) climbed dunes and rolled back down. It was a beautiful morning to be out in the sunlight. Z particularly loved jumping through the dunes and giving me some sand to carry. P loves taking photos - so many photos of bitua bush were taken!

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