Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Grooves of a Day

Slowly but surely our small vege patch is producing. P gets so proud when she spots a red tomato. She runs in to tell me and am I required to look immediately.

Our chickens have not provided such a high note though. I had suspected for some weeks that one was much large than the other three. Well it will be time to say goodbye now that we know it is a rooster! Unfortunately roosters are not appreciated in the suburbs - the Council say 'no'. But happily, it will be going back to where it came from. Together with the other one that we are less sure, but pretty sure, is also a rooster. So then there were 2. But soon there will be more. We are going into the nearby country this weekend to pick up the kids birthday presents from my parents - two silkies.

Z and I got some time to play together today - it doesnt happen often as P rarely sleeps during the day. She did today - I think she was still recovering from her cirthday celebrations on Monday. Z and I built amazing garages with the blocks for his toy cars. I tried to take a snap but was swiftly and firmly told 'no more smiles mummy'. It took a while but I now know 'smiles' are photos - pretty cute!

The day also allowed me to set up one of P's birthday presents. Her first sewing machine. It is waiting for her in the morning. Looking at it on her little desk warms my heart in deed.

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