Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Possum Magic

What fantastic good fortune!! While sitting eating our dinner on Monday night, in our very urban house within 10 minutes walk from the coast, we spotted a ringtail possum in our courtyard! We have a courtyard in the middle of our house adjoining our neighbours concrete courtyard. Fortunately we have a lovely green backyard as well but our courtyard is about 3 metres 4 metres - not big. There sitting in the fork of our tree was two little eyes looking in at us.

The kids were bouncing with excitement. That was the end of sitting at the table for eating dinner. They spent the rest of the night running between the doors and the table telling us of his every move and their every imagination for his life. He stayed in the tree watching them. I wonder what he thought.

We had suspected, or rather hoped, there might be possums in our backyard. For a long time we have had a possum house high up in a tree but there has never been evidence of one living there. We talk about the thought of possums a lot - 'Daddy thinks he saw a possum last night'. But we've not been sure we have seen one.

Now we have!! And with great timing as P has been finding it hard to get back into pre-school after the school holidays. So it was a fantastic topic for news the next day.

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