I think it was one of the coldest days we have had in a couple of weeks but we decided to take a ferry trip. In our city we have a ferry that commutes from the city centre, across the harbour to the northern reaches of the area. Sounds long doesnt it - nope!! It takes a total of 3 minutes!
With four very excited children in tow, we waited at the ferry wharf. It was exciting seeing the ferry on the otherside of the harbour coming across to meet us, the rowing boats, the barge and the large ships moving across the working harbour. The children ran down to the ferry with me hastily trying to corral the two 2 year olds to ensure they didnt run under peoples feet or take a wrong step across the gangplank! We made it and stood outside so we could see the bubbles as the ferry started to move away from the wharf. When they realised the trip was over very shortly after it had only just begun, one loudly declared "You're kidding!! Thats it!"..Well, yes. The disappointment seemed to dissipate quickly as we went on a very cold adventure to find a park. Not familiar with the area, it took us longer than expected but food and a play area was all that was required to warm us up and head back home.
I am still amazed, and delighted, that what seems so simple to us is such an excitment to my children.
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