..well PRE school - and isnt that momentous enough!
I cannot believe that our little girl is finally at school. We did what we had planned. She stayed at home with us until she was 4 (we hoped for 3) - no day care/play care/family care. So we can be proud. Now she has commenced pre-school - just 2 days a week.
She was soooo excited today. She couldnt wait to get to school and she was so proud that she would be spending the whole day at school all by herself! When we got there, she waivered - ever so slightly - "you are not going to leave mummy". Just another 10 minutes of playing together and I got a very confident "OK bye mummy" as she went to skip away. I had to insist on a kiss and 'I love you' before she escaped.
When the clock finally made it to 3pm, I couldnt wait to hear her stories. When I arrived she was busy watering the garden out the front. She was full of stories and descriptions of new people (names didnt rate highly in the many things she needed to remember and relay) and activities - a little disappointed there were no stilts or face painting. And, she was starved - obviously much to busy to do too much eating. She ate almost her entire lunch box in 2 minutes flat.
I especially loved the huge cuddle she knelt down to give her brother as soon as she walked through the door at the end of her fantastic first day of preschool !