Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First Day of School

..well PRE school - and isnt that momentous enough!

I cannot believe that our little girl is finally at school. We did what we had planned. She stayed at home with us until she was 4 (we hoped for 3) - no day care/play care/family care. So we can be proud. Now she has commenced pre-school - just 2 days a week.

She was soooo excited today. She couldnt wait to get to school and she was so proud that she would be spending the whole day at school all by herself! When we got there, she waivered - ever so slightly - "you are not going to leave mummy". Just another 10 minutes of playing together and I got a very confident "OK bye mummy" as she went to skip away. I had to insist on a kiss and 'I love you' before she escaped.

When the clock finally made it to 3pm, I couldnt wait to hear her stories. When I arrived she was busy watering the garden out the front. She was full of stories and descriptions of new people (names didnt rate highly in the many things she needed to remember and relay) and activities - a little disappointed there were no stilts or face painting. And, she was starved - obviously much to busy to do too much eating. She ate almost her entire lunch box in 2 minutes flat.

I especially loved the huge cuddle she knelt down to give her brother as soon as she walked through the door at the end of her fantastic first day of preschool !

Monday, January 26, 2009

A 2 year old boy

I cannot believe 2 years has gone so quickly.

Now we have 'big boy' games! Z enjoyed his birthday and had complete understanding about gifts and a day that was all about himself. Although, he was assisted greatly by his big sister who loved sharing his new games.

The chosen train cake was smudge all over his face and barely eaten by the end of a family dinner. But I guess that is what birthday cakes are for - to enjoyed however you want them!

Z loves playing with his new trains and cars. Daddy didnt so much enjoy setting up the marble run - but it looks great and Z and P love running the marbles down. I think Z has also enjoyed the teepee I made - thanks so my lovely friend Tracie. She saved the day with a very easy teepee pattern that I was able to put together in the 2 nights prior to Z's birthday.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Perfect Day

It was one of those perfect days. It flowed from beginning to end.

I decided there would be no rushing about. We had some jobs to complete - but in our own time. We usually rush on Wednesdays. Today we began with bread baking. It was hot around these parts - very hot - but we still made bread and loved it (except mummy, around midday, in a hot hot kitchen!).

We then rambled out to the garden and moulded, threw and cut playdough -the marble homemade kind. Good for eating apparently - I dont think so. While in the garden we were getting to know our two new family members - Pom Pom and Pippi. They seem to like to hang about by themselves. And despite laying eggs at their old home, they have decided on a stop-work now they've reached us! I have also found homes for our two roosters - they will let them crow until their hearts content! I am so happy - a loving home is a much better option to what I thought was their destiny!

We enjoyed a visit from our goodfriends. Frolicked in the play-pool together, dressed-up, ate bread and honey, ran through the secret garden and hid in a tent made in a cot. What better afternoon could be had ?

An afternoon nap for one while the other helped thread veges on skewers for a BBQ dinner.

After dinner we made it to the beach for a swim at 7pm.

For a hot balmy day, we were able to breeze through and had a fantastic time doing nothing much.

There is one little boy who was too excited to sleep tonight. He will be 2 tomorrow! Again, the anticipation and wait.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Grooves of a Day

Slowly but surely our small vege patch is producing. P gets so proud when she spots a red tomato. She runs in to tell me and am I required to look immediately.

Our chickens have not provided such a high note though. I had suspected for some weeks that one was much large than the other three. Well it will be time to say goodbye now that we know it is a rooster! Unfortunately roosters are not appreciated in the suburbs - the Council say 'no'. But happily, it will be going back to where it came from. Together with the other one that we are less sure, but pretty sure, is also a rooster. So then there were 2. But soon there will be more. We are going into the nearby country this weekend to pick up the kids birthday presents from my parents - two silkies.

Z and I got some time to play together today - it doesnt happen often as P rarely sleeps during the day. She did today - I think she was still recovering from her cirthday celebrations on Monday. Z and I built amazing garages with the blocks for his toy cars. I tried to take a snap but was swiftly and firmly told 'no more smiles mummy'. It took a while but I now know 'smiles' are photos - pretty cute!

The day also allowed me to set up one of P's birthday presents. Her first sewing machine. It is waiting for her in the morning. Looking at it on her little desk warms my heart in deed.

Monday, January 12, 2009

A 4 Year Old Girl

We had a very very excited 4 year old girl all day - until 10pm tonight!!
She slept in - so the day started slowly. But once those little eyelids opened, a bout of adrenalin immediately kicked in and ran the whole day through. She responded with 'happy birthday' to each 'happy birthday'!
It was not enough for the day to arrive though. We counted down the hours until the tea party began. As the house fluttered with baking and decorating, P sat at the table in the garden with her new wooden tea set and prepared food - so she told each happy birthday caller. In fact, P had asked me for some sugar to put in her new sugar pot. I didnt realise until she requested a second helping of sugar that her preparation involved drink tea cups of sugar and water!
It was a beautiful tea party and P was a fantastic host - greeting and thanking all her guest. She handed out a potted strawberry plant to each of her friends as she said goodbye. We hope they will produce many delicious strawberries!
The tea party ended and our chickens (well 2 chickens and 2 roosters, we discovered today!) tidied up as we moved on to a family birthday dinner - to do it all again.
What a fantastic day!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Tea Party invitations

The tea party invitations have been made from vintage tablecloths. The patterns of flowers are so beautiful. We cut out the ones we loved the most and glued them on card.

We think they are very fitting for an afternoon tea party in the garden.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Is it my Tea Party yet ??

I do remember the anticipation of my birthday - how exciting.

P is in great anticipation of her 4th birthday. For the past week we have woken to the same question - Is today my tea party day? We say all the days we will experience before her tea party day. I do love, though, that the party with friends is the lure, not the gifts. Although how could it be - what more could a girl want. Its only just been Christmas.

I am crossing my fingers that it will be a bright sunny day for an afternoon tea party in the garden with a few close friends. After two years of big parties, we are trying the intimidate, more tame, version this year. We'll see how its enjoyed!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year Festivities

What an amzing way to see in the new year!

We celebrated in such a relaxed way with some close friends. The families enjoyed a garden dinner of fire roasted potatoes cooked in our chimnea. We all sat around a long table and chatted crazily. The kids then ran to enjoy their fun. The played and played all night until one by one they slowly crashed (in whatever spot they were last playing - apple in mouth and all). I so much remember nights like those when I was a child - such fond memories.

The next day was spent canoeing down the river in our favourite spot - the Wetlands. Three families - each in their own canoe.

What a beautiful one to start the year that holds such promise.